Christian Malone
Vermont Lake Monsters (AAA)
Christian Malone
May 21, 2030 (28 y, 0 m, 12 d)
Born In:
Harlan, KY, USA
2052 Draft - Round: 8, Overall: 229, Team: Thunder Bay Northern Lions BC
$280k / 1 year
ML Service Time:
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
Weight increased from 204 to 205
Role changed from CL to RP
Weight increased from 203 to 204
Movement Potential decreased from 6 to 5
Movement decreased from 6 to 5
Movement vs R decreased from 6 to 5
Movement vs L decreased from 6 to 5
Control Potential decreased from 7 to 6
Control decreased from 7 to 6
Control vs R decreased from 7 to 6
Control vs L decreased from 6 to 5
GB% increased from 61% to 62%
HRA Potential decreased from 6 to 5
HRA vs R decreased from 6 to 5
HRA vs L decreased from 6 to 5
HRA decreased from 6 to 5
PBABIP Potential decreased from 6 to 5
PBABIP decreased from 6 to 5
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Hold increased from 2 to 3
Hold decreased from 3 to 2
Weight decreased from 204 to 203
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
Weight decreased from 205 to 204
Contact Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Contact decreased from 2 to 1
Contact vs R decreased from 2 to 1
Contact vs L decreased from 2 to 1
Control Potential decreased from 8 to 7
Control vs L decreased from 7 to 6
GB% decreased from 62% to 61%
Cutter Pot decreased from 5 to 4
Cutter decreased from 5 to 4
PBABIP Potential increased from 5 to 6
PBABIP increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 204 to 205
Weight decreased from 205 to 204
Weight increased from 204 to 205
Weight decreased from 205 to 204
Weight decreased from 206 to 205
Contact Potential decreased from 3 to 2
Contact decreased from 3 to 2
Contact vs R decreased from 3 to 2
Contact vs L decreased from 3 to 2
Gap Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Gap decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs R decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs L decreased from 4 to 3
Avoid Ks Potential decreased from 3 to 1
Avoid Ks decreased from 3 to 1
Avoid Ks vs R decreased from 3 to 1
Avoid Ks vs L decreased from 3 to 1
Speed decreased from 2 to 1
Infield Range decreased from 3 to 2
Infield Error increased from 3 to 4
Outfield Range decreased from 3 to 2
P defense decreased from 7 to 6
Stuff Potential decreased from 6 to 4
Stuff decreased from 6 to 4
Stuff vs R decreased from 6 to 4
Stuff vs L decreased from 6 to 4
Movement Potential decreased from 8 to 6
Movement decreased from 8 to 6
Movement vs R decreased from 8 to 6
Movement vs L decreased from 8 to 6
Control Potential increased from 7 to 8
GB% increased from 60% to 62%
Fastball Pot decreased from 6 to 5
Fastball decreased from 6 to 5
Sinker Pot decreased from 6 to 4
Sinker decreased from 5 to 4
Cutter Pot decreased from 7 to 5
Cutter decreased from 7 to 5
Weight increased from 205 to 206
Stealing increased from 1 to 2
Stealing decreased from 2 to 1
Movement Potential decreased from 9 to 8
Movement decreased from 9 to 8
Movement vs R decreased from 9 to 8
Control Potential decreased from 8 to 7
GB% decreased from 63% to 60%
Sinker decreased from 6 to 5
Weight decreased from 206 to 205
Sinker Pot increased from 5 to 6
Sinker increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 205 to 206
Weight increased from 204 to 205
Weight decreased from 205 to 204
Weight decreased from 206 to 205
Stuff Potential increased from 5 to 6
Stuff increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs L increased from 5 to 6
Movement Potential increased from 8 to 9
Movement increased from 8 to 9
Movement vs R increased from 8 to 9
Control Potential increased from 7 to 8
Velocity increased from 92-94 mph to 93-95 mph
GB% increased from 62% to 63%
Fastball Pot increased from 5 to 6
Fastball increased from 5 to 6
Cutter Pot increased from 6 to 7
Cutter increased from 6 to 7
Weight decreased from 207 to 206
Weight decreased from 208 to 207
Weight increased from 207 to 208
Stuff vs R increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs R decreased from 6 to 5
Movement vs R decreased from 9 to 8
Movement vs R increased from 8 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 5 to 6
Control increased from 6 to 7
Control vs L increased from 6 to 7
Velocity increased from 91-93 mph to 92-94 mph
GB% increased from 61% to 62%
Weight decreased from 208 to 207
Weight decreased from 209 to 208
Weight decreased from 210 to 209
Local Popularity decreased from Insignificant to Unknown
Movement Potential increased from 7 to 8
Movement increased from 7 to 8
Movement vs R increased from 7 to 8
Movement vs L increased from 7 to 8
Control vs R increased from 6 to 7
GB% increased from 59% to 61%
Hold increased from 2 to 3
Sinker increased from 4 to 5
Cutter increased from 5 to 6
Weight decreased from 212 to 210
Eye vs L decreased from 2 to 1
Stuff vs L increased from 4 to 5
Movement increased from 6 to 7
Movement vs R increased from 6 to 7
Movement vs L increased from 6 to 7
Sinker Pot increased from 4 to 5
Cutter Pot increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 210 to 212
Local Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
Contact Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Eye vs L increased from 1 to 2
Avoid Ks increased from 2 to 3
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 2 to 3
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 2 to 3
Stuff increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs R increased from 4 to 5
Movement increased from 5 to 6
Movement vs R increased from 5 to 6
Movement vs L increased from 5 to 6
Control Potential increased from 6 to 7
Control increased from 4 to 6
Control vs R increased from 4 to 6
Control vs L increased from 4 to 6
Velocity increased from 90-92 mph to 91-93 mph
GB% decreased from 60% to 59%
Fastball increased from 4 to 5
Sinker Pot decreased from 5 to 4
Cutter increased from 4 to 5
Weight decreased from 211 to 210
Gap increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs R increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs L increased from 3 to 4
Velocity increased from 89-91 mph to 90-92 mph
Sinker increased from 3 to 4
Weight decreased from 212 to 211
Contact Potential increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs L increased from 3 to 4
Movement increased from 4 to 5
Movement vs L increased from 4 to 5
Control increased from 3 to 4
Control vs R increased from 3 to 4
Control vs L increased from 3 to 4
Cutter increased from 3 to 4
Weight increased from 211 to 212