Thaddeus Alambra
Greenville 84s (ML)
Thaddeus Alambra
Dec. 9, 2030 (24 y, 6 m, 19 d)
Born In:
Argao, CEN, PHI
2047 Scout Discovery, Team: Greenville 84s
$280k / 1 year
ML Service Time:
1 years, 58 days
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
Stuff Potential increased from 10 to 11
Stuff increased from 9 to 10
Stuff vs R increased from 9 to 10
Movement vs L decreased from 7 to 6
GB% decreased from 57% to 55%
Weight decreased from 189 to 188
Weight decreased from 190 to 189
Weight increased from 189 to 190
Movement Potential decreased from 8 to 7
Movement vs R decreased from 8 to 7
GB% decreased from 59% to 57%
Changeup increased from 3 to 4
Weight increased from 188 to 189
Weight decreased from 189 to 188
Local Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
National Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
Weight increased from 188 to 189
Changeup Pot increased from 4 to 5
Weight decreased from 189 to 188
Infield Range decreased from 2 to 1
Outfield Arm decreased from 3 to 2
Stuff increased from 8 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 8 to 9
Stuff vs L increased from 8 to 9
Movement Potential increased from 7 to 8
Movement increased from 5 to 7
Movement vs R increased from 5 to 8
Movement vs L increased from 5 to 7
Control increased from 6 to 7
Control vs R increased from 6 to 7
Sinker increased from 8 to 9
Cutter increased from 7 to 8
Weight increased from 188 to 189
Weight increased from 187 to 188
Weight increased from 186 to 187
Control Potential increased from 6 to 7
Control increased from 5 to 6
Control vs R increased from 5 to 6
Control vs L increased from 5 to 6
GB% decreased from 61% to 59%
Stamina increased from 5 to 6
Sinker Pot increased from 8 to 9
Sinker increased from 7 to 8
Changeup Pot increased from 3 to 4
Weight increased from 185 to 186
P defense decreased from 4 to 3
Movement Potential increased from 5 to 7
Control Potential increased from 5 to 6
Control increased from 4 to 5
Control vs R increased from 4 to 5
Control vs L increased from 4 to 5
Weight increased from 184 to 185
Weight increased from 183 to 184
Weight increased from 182 to 183
Weight increased from 181 to 182
Weight decreased from 182 to 181
Local Popularity decreased from Insignificant to Unknown
Weight increased from 181 to 182
Stuff increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 8
Movement Potential increased from 4 to 5
Movement increased from 4 to 5
Movement vs R increased from 4 to 5
Movement vs L increased from 4 to 5
Control Potential increased from 4 to 5
GB% increased from 59% to 61%
Cutter Pot increased from 8 to 9
Cutter increased from 6 to 7
Cutter decreased from 7 to 6
Gap Potential decreased from 5 to 4
Gap vs L decreased from 5 to 4
Stuff increased from 6 to 7
Stuff vs R increased from 6 to 7
Stuff vs L increased from 6 to 7
Control increased from 3 to 4
Control vs R increased from 3 to 4
Control vs L increased from 3 to 4
Velocity increased from 98-100 mph to 99-101 mph
GB% decreased from 61% to 59%
Sinker increased from 6 to 7
Cutter increased from 6 to 7
Changeup Pot increased from 1 to 3
Changeup increased from 1 to 3
Weight decreased from 182 to 181
Weight increased from 181 to 182
Weight increased from 178 to 181
Local Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
Movement vs L increased from 3 to 4
Control increased from 2 to 3
Control vs L increased from 2 to 3
GB% decreased from 62% to 61%
Cutter Pot decreased from 9 to 8
Weight increased from 171 to 178
Local Popularity decreased from Fair to Unknown
Gap Potential increased from 4 to 5
Gap vs L increased from 4 to 5
Eye Potential decreased from 2 to 1
Eye decreased from 2 to 1
Eye vs R decreased from 2 to 1
Eye vs L decreased from 2 to 1
Sac Bunt decreased from 10 to 9
Outfield Error increased from 1 to 2
P defense increased from 3 to 4
Stuff increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs R increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs L increased from 5 to 6
Movement Potential decreased from 5 to 4
Movement vs R decreased from 5 to 4
Movement vs L decreased from 4 to 3
Control Potential decreased from 5 to 4
Control vs R increased from 2 to 3
Velocity increased from 97-99 mph to 98-100 mph
GB% increased from 60% to 62%
Stamina increased from 4 to 5
Changeup Pot decreased from 2 to 1
Weight decreased from 173 to 171
Eye increased from 1 to 2
Eye vs R increased from 1 to 2
Sac Bunt increased from 9 to 10
Movement Potential decreased from 6 to 5
Movement vs R increased from 4 to 5
Sinker Pot decreased from 9 to 8
Cutter increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 170 to 173
Height increased from 185 to 186
Gap increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs R increased from 3 to 4
Eye vs L increased from 1 to 2
Outfield Range decreased from 2 to 1
Stuff increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs R increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs L increased from 4 to 5
Movement Potential increased from 5 to 6
Control increased from 1 to 2
Control vs R increased from 1 to 2
Control vs L increased from 1 to 2
GB% increased from 57% to 60%
Sinker Pot increased from 8 to 9
Sinker increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 169 to 170
Gap increased from 2 to 3
Gap vs R increased from 2 to 3
Gap vs L increased from 3 to 4
Stamina decreased from 5 to 4
Local Popularity increased from Unknown to Fair
Gap vs L increased from 2 to 3
P defense decreased from 4 to 3
Stuff Potential increased from 9 to 10
Stuff increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs R increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs L increased from 3 to 4
Movement vs L increased from 3 to 4
Control Potential decreased from 6 to 5
Velocity increased from 94-96 mph to 97-99 mph
GB% increased from 55% to 57%
Sinker increased from 4 to 5
Cutter Pot increased from 8 to 9
Cutter increased from 4 to 5
Weight increased from 168 to 169
Gap increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs R increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs L increased from 1 to 2
Sac Bunt decreased from 10 to 9
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 9
Stuff increased from 2 to 3
Stuff vs R increased from 2 to 3
Stuff vs L increased from 2 to 3
Movement increased from 3 to 4
Control Potential increased from 5 to 6
Velocity increased from 89-91 mph to 94-96 mph
GB% decreased from 56% to 55%
Stamina increased from 4 to 5
Sinker Pot increased from 7 to 8
Sinker increased from 3 to 4
Cutter Pot increased from 7 to 8
Cutter increased from 3 to 4
Changeup Pot increased from 1 to 2
Height increased from 184 to 185
Weight increased from 167 to 168