Moe Harrison
Moe Harrison
Oct. 11, 1872 (78 y, 6 m, 19 d)
Born In:
St. Louis, MO, USA
Free Agent
ML Service Time:
Player Awards
Award Date Team
League Champ 1895 New York (FABL)
Pitcher of the Month Oct 1894 New York (FABL)
Player of the Week Jul 30, 1894 New York (FABL)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink0
Grey Ink67
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Leaderboard Appearances
Year SH Rank
1894 27 3
1896 20 10
1899 25 3
Year G Rank
1897 49 2
1898 49 5
Year GS Rank
1897 49 2
1898 49 5
Year W Rank
1894 23 10
1897 25 7
1899 27 3
Year L Rank
1896 20 9
1898 30 2
Year Win % Rank
1894 0.535 9
1897 0.568 9
1899 0.628 4
Year SV Rank
1900 3 5
1901 4 2
Year IP Rank
1897 407.1 3
1898 405.2 7
Year BF Rank
1897 1834 2
1898 1820 4
Year BB Rank
1897 151 2
1898 166 1
Year K Rank
1896 109 8
1897 111 8
Year WP Rank
1897 12 7
Year ERA Rank
1894 3.281 9
1896 3.446 5
Year BB/9 Rank
1894 2.892 9
1896 2.584 7
Year CG Rank
1896 33 10
1897 35 3
1898 33 8
Year SHO Rank
1894 3 5
1896 2 6
1898 3 9
1899 4 3
Year BB (Low) Rank
1894 119 10
1896 96 6
Year Hits Rank
1894 423 6
1897 468 7
1898 417 9
Year Hits (Low) Rank
1896 385 8
1899 419 9
Year HR (Low) Rank
1894 6 9
1896 5 3
1897 8 9
1898 3 2
Year WAR Rank
1896 7.7 4
1897 6.0 7
1898 5.6 10
Year W (Low) Rank
1896 19 10
1898 15 4
Year L (Low) Rank
1897 19 8
1899 16 4