Record: 35-54 / 6th place / Major League Baseball
Montreal Expos (INT)


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Legend: (a) = auto-renew at league minimum, T = Team Option, P = Player Option, V = Vesting Option, Arb = Likely arb-eligible
* = players in minors on league minimum deals are only paid 16.5% of their salary while in the minors
Color code: Contract extension, Retained contract
Note: This table is a best-guess, and likely won't match OOTP exactly for auto-renew and arb eligibility.
StatsPlus is ignoring Super Two rules, and also assuming all players on 40-man are in the majors all season.
Pos Player Age 2113 2114
P Robby Gomez 29 $204k $162k (a)
1B Micah James 31 $6.6M
P Pedro Aguilar 36 $276k
P Jose Cervantes 35 $276k
2B Rick Grange 34 $1.4M
P Juan Garcia 36 $320k
LF Zach Lorenz 25 $162k $162k (a)
P Darren Robinson 33 $286k
2B Ivan Gallardo 32 $1.12M
P Micah Richardson 32 $240k
P Jose Ortiz 33 $212k
P Joaquin Orozco 36 $240k
P Jake Hebert 35 $276k
P Francisco Luna 34 $268k
LF Miguel Lerma 28 $710k $162k (a)
P Kevin Darrah 31 $3.64M
1B Matt Seay 30 $1.7M
P Jose Narvaez 32 $276k
P Dakota Donato 34 $3.72M (T)
P Josselin Bailleul 33 $240k
P Jorge Vallejo 31 $248k
3B Danny Alguire 26 $1.72M
C Keith Rennie 27 $2.16M
1B Alejandro Santiago 27 $454k
SS Danny Gonzalez 28 $256k
P Doug Woodroffe 26 $194k $162k (a)
P Pierre Turpin 27 $202k $162k (a)
RF Jose Gallegos 25 $162k $162k (a)
P Armando Gonzalez 26 $162k $162k (a)
CF Edwin Banuelos 26 $162k Arb
P Steve Nelson Jr. 24 $240k $162k (a)
CF Kevin Triplett 24 $162k $162k (a)
P Victor Rodriguez 23 $162k $162k (a)
P Mike Betz 23 $162k Arb
2B Juan Aguilar 26 $162k $162k (a)
P Justin Huff 20 $162k $162k (a)
CF Jordan Lopez 24 $162k $162k (a)
RF Victor Saldivar 22 $162k $162k (a)
C Aaron Robinson 24 $162k $162k (a)
Total $29.42M $0