League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AUS | CHA | CHI | IND | LV | MON | NY | ORL | POR | SAC | SA | VAN
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2101 39-30 Figueroa Aleman Parral Griffin Martinez Avalos Eckstein Hernandez
2102 94-50 Castanon Wright Nash Howland Martinez Avalos Gomez Flores
2103 76-68 Brosky Garcia Serrano Neveu Martinez Curtis Gomez Marrero
2104 67-77 Thiery Perez Serrano Neveu Martinez Hernandez Gomez Aponte
2105 77-67 Rozo Phelan Rodriquez Lievonen Cruz Curtis Barone Garza
2106 90-54 Pimentel Talbot Vargas Solorzano Cruz Barone Miller Landers
2107 78-67 Ollier Greer Williams Busson Cruz Padilla Lowman Geigel
2108 67-77 Pagel Greer Serrano Duran Collins Hernandez Padilla Coombs
2109 69-75 Pagel Perez Martinez Duran Marshall Limon Padilla Castillo
2110 57-87 Tapia Garcia Santana Howland Saucedo Lowe Padilla Kpodo
2111 0-0 Tapia Garcia Santana Howland Saucedo Lowe Padilla Kpodo
11 years 20 players 37 players 31 players 28 players 25 players 40 players 29 players 42 players
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