a - Z. Hsueh pinch hit for R. Bonnet in the 5th
b - T. Yeramba pinch hit for Y. Thean in the 5th
c - L. Thuc substituted for K. Liu in the 5th
d - B. Barnacha substituted for W. Jung in the 5th
e - N. Doan pinch hit for T. Sumual in the 6th
f - E. Layar pinch hit for T. Palaina in the 6th
g - W. Chen substituted for G. Wanhalla in the 6th
h - Y. Hsi inserted as DH in the 7th
i - A. Gajendra pinch hit for E. Layar in the 9th
j - A. Ainanani pinch hit for Z. Hsueh in the 9th
k - C. Mok pinch hit for T. Yeramba in the 9th
C. Kunal
(4, 4th Inning off M. Li, 1 on, 0 outs)
T. Sumual
(2, 4th Inning off M. Li, 2 on, 1 out)
G. Wanhalla
(5, 6th Inning off G. Phan, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
C. Kunal
(3, 2nd Inning off M. Li, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
E. Layar
C. Kunal
G. Wanhalla
T. Sumual
N. Doan
R. Sumague
2-out RBI:
E. Layar
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
T. Palaina
R. Bonnet
Z. Hsueh
C. Kunal
Sac Bunt:
W. Jung
Hit by Pitch:
Y. Thean
T. Yeramba
K. Liu
Team LOB:
T. Sumual
a - T. Yamasaki substituted for N. Phung in the 5th
b - B. Shrinivas substituted for L. Wen in the 5th
c - G. Alisjahbana substituted for H. Er in the 5th
d - S. Thu substituted for Y. Zhào in the 5th
e - K. Khanderia substituted for P. Lubis in the 5th
f - B. Enoka pinch hit for E. Paulo in the 5th
g - K. Djajadiningrat inserted as DH in the 5th
h - P. Augutino pinch hit for A. Bonnel in the 6th
i - J. Shubhabrata pinch hit for H. Ouyang in the 6th
G. Alisjahbana
(1, 6th Inning off A. Chou, 0 on, 1 out)
B. Shrinivas
(1, 7th Inning off C. Shao, 1 on, 2 outs)
Y. Zhào
(2, 3rd Inning off Y. Yo, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
G. Yang
(1, 3rd Inning off Y. Yo, 2 on, 2 outs)
K. Khanderia
(1, 7th Inning off C. Shao, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
P. Lubis
K. Khanderia
N. Phung
T. Yamasaki
G. Yang
B. Shrinivas
G. Alisjahbana
Y. Zhào
J. Shubhabrata
2-out RBI:
N. Phung
G. Yang
B. Shrinivas
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
P. Lubis
G. Alisjahbana
J. Shubhabrata
Sac Fly:
H. Ouyang
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
1 (Alisjahbana-Bonnel-Khanderia)