a - A. Dasgupta pinch hit for J. Carpentier in the 5th
b - E. George substituted for J. Boytiguel in the 5th
c - L. Christensen substituted for M. Leal in the 5th
d - B. Szema substituted for D. Shaik in the 5th
e - H. Gramachoto substituted for B. Barlas in the 5th
f - N. Hand substituted for P. Demitirio in the 5th
g - H. Fidura inserted as DH in the 6th
h - G. Handforth pinch hit for Z. Shivtsov in the 6th
i - K. Batrawi pinch hit for L. Christensen in the 6th
j - Y. bin Tamam substituted for G. Handforth in the 6th
k - A. Idowu pinch hit for P. Elwell in the 7th
l - T. Castro pinch hit for H. Gramachoto in the 7th
m - S. Yuen substituted for T. Castro in the 7th
n - Z. Lolos pinch hit for A. Dasgupta in the 9th
o - D. Kurtha inserted as DH in the 9th
p - G. Oko pinch hit for E. George in the 10th
q - M. Lu pinch hit for K. Batrawi in the 10th
F. Mahfouz
(1, 4th Inning off M. Favarel, 0 on, 0 outs)
A. Idowu
(1, 8th Inning off R. Ezenachi, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
A. Dasgupta
F. Mahfouz
H. Fidura
M. Leal
K. Batrawi
A. Idowu
B. Szema
2-out RBI:
A. Dasgupta
H. Fidura
M. Leal
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Dasgupta
Y. bin Tamam
K. Batrawi
P. Elwell
S. Yuen
Sac Bunt:
P. Demitirio
Hit by Pitch:
B. Barlas
Team LOB:
H. Fidura
M. Leal
B. Szema
P. Elwell
Double Plays:
3 (Demitirio-Barlas-Carpentier, Demitirio-Barlas-Carpentier, Elwell-Hand-Dasgupta)
N. Hand
a - I. Ma'n substituted for J. Musil in the 5th
b - S. Sawant substituted for O. Feira in the 5th
c - D. Dai substituted for K. Chao in the 5th
d - I. Kunwarjit substituted for C. Pino in the 5th
e - A. Ravandur pinch hit for S. Tajamali in the 5th
f - A. bin Sahir substituted for R. Puccini in the 6th
g - J. Hansen substituted for E. Machungwa in the 6th
h - A. Alika inserted as DH in the 6th
i - M. Naybet substituted for Z. Ampah in the 7th
j - R. Britschgi pinch hit for I. Kunwarjit in the 7th
k - A. Najeeb pinch hit for J. Hansen in the 7th
l - B. Peco substituted for R. Britschgi in the 8th
m - A. Romanelli substituted for A. Najeeb in the 8th
n - V. Aldoshin pinch hit for D. Dai in the 8th
o - R. Cavaco substituted for V. Aldoshin in the 9th
p - R. Shirazi pinch hit for A. Ravandur in the 9th
q - J. Yang pinch hit for I. Ma'n in the 9th
r - E. Pasanen pinch hit for A. bin Sahir in the 9th
s - A. Bautista inserted as DH in the 9th
t - J. Carrier substituted for J. Yang in the 10th
u - S. Bem pinch hit for R. Cavaco in the 10th
v - L. Delgado pinch hit for B. Peco in the 10th
Z. Ampah
(2, 3rd Inning off S. Ueno, 0 on, 0 outs)
A. Ravandur
(1, 7th Inning off S. Kwon, 2 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
S. Sawant
(1, 8th Inning off T. Hamadi, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
Z. Ampah
M. Naybet
A. Ravandur
R. Shirazi
I. Ma'n
A. bin Sahir
E. Pasanen
F. Hernandez
O. Feira
S. Sawant
A. Najeeb
2-out RBI:
R. Shirazi
A. bin Sahir
F. Hernandez
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
M. Naybet
R. Puccini
A. Alika
O. Feira
D. Dai
C. Pino
E. Machungwa
Hit by Pitch:
S. Sawant
Team LOB: