a - Z. bin Sulayman inserted as DH in the 4th
b - J. Velasco pinch hit for O. Mungai in the 5th
c - T. bin Azeem pinch hit for M. Oakley in the 5th
d - H. Wateridge substituted for A. Leura in the 5th
e - N. Pozlevich substituted for H. Lalima in the 5th
f - S. Mahdi pinch hit for J. Cargeeg in the 6th
g - T. Lam pinch hit for F. Zaki in the 6th
h - J. Clay pinch hit for T. Karvonen in the 6th
i - Y. Amadi substituted for J. Clay in the 6th
j - H. Mayer substituted for E. Gibbs in the 7th
k - G. Galevsky inserted as DH in the 9th
l - M. Cantu pinch hit for J. Velasco in the 9th
m - G. Keshavan pinch hit for T. bin Azeem in the 9th
n - R. Balsalubra pinch hit for H. Wateridge in the 9th
o - S. Dalmiya substituted for G. Keshavan in the 9th
A. Leura
(2, 2nd Inning off A. Barbato, 1 on, 0 outs)
H. Lalima
(1, 2nd Inning off A. Barbato, 0 on, 0 outs)
W. Towle
(2, 2nd Inning off A. Barbato, 1 on, 2 outs)
T. Lam
(4, 6th Inning off A. Barbato, 2 on, 1 out)
N. Pozlevich
(3, 9th Inning off H. Zeng, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
W. Towle
M. Cantu
H. Lalima
N. Pozlevich
A. Leura
H. Wateridge
E. Gibbs
H. Mayer
S. Mahdi
F. Zaki
T. Lam
T. Karvonen
2-out RBI:
W. Towle
N. Pozlevich
T. Karvonen
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
O. Mungai
R. Balsalubra
Y. Amadi
Sac Bunt:
E. Gibbs
Sac Fly:
J. Cargeeg
J. Clay
Hit by Pitch:
S. Mahdi
Team LOB:
T. Lam
A. Leura
OF assists:
1 (Zaki(Adashik at home))
a - C. Garcia substituted for B. Kayode in the 5th
b - A. Tuncay substituted for T. bin Jamal in the 5th
c - A. Giuggioli substituted for M. Myers in the 5th
d - E. Adebayo substituted for E. Harvey in the 5th
e - R. Jones substituted for R. Abdul-Hakam in the 6th
f - C. Lewkowicz substituted for A. Krama in the 6th
g - R. Arredondo pinch hit for R. Imad al Din in the 6th
h - F. Barrientos pinch hit for S. Adashik in the 6th
R. Imad al Din
(4, 4th Inning off W. Alatas, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
B. Baudry
R. Imad al Din
R. Arredondo
T. bin Jamal
A. Giuggioli
E. Adebayo
S. Adashik
A. Krama
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Garcia
C. Lewkowicz
Sac Bunt:
A. Krama
Team LOB:
OF assists:
1 (bin Jamal(Zaki at 2nd base))
C. Lewkowicz