a - T. Agamaliyev pinch hit for A. Vish in the 5th
b - E. Kaisin substituted for B. Nenahov in the 5th
c - N. Fawzi substituted for D. Yoo in the 5th
d - P. Berhoev pinch hit for L. Ashotian in the 6th
e - L. bin Rabi pinch hit for J. Chidamber in the 6th
f - L. Yasar substituted for M. bin Hilel in the 6th
g - A. Ernalia inserted as DH in the 7th
h - I. bin Hilal pinch hit for D. Bachelet in the 9th
A. Vish
(2, 1st Inning off Y. Shamurin, 0 on, 1 out)
D. Adegoke
(4, 8th Inning off N. Khuc, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
P. Berhoev
(4, 8th Inning off N. Khuc, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
A. Vish
P. Berhoev
B. Nenahov
E. Kaisin
D. Adegoke
J. Chidamber
L. bin Rabi
D. Yoo
L. Yasar
2-out RBI:
B. Nenahov
L. bin Rabi
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Bachelet
M. bin Hilel
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
1 (bin Hilel-Yoo-Ashotian)
a - H. bin Yaman substituted for A. bin Zakiy in the 5th
b - A. Versteeg substituted for J. Rousset in the 5th
c - T. Minh substituted for G. Cepeda in the 5th
d - D. Marchand substituted for I. Martinez in the 5th
e - D. Chamberlain inserted as DH in the 5th
f - M. bin Samir pinch hit for J. Marques in the 6th
g - J. Patankar substituted for S. bin Hamdan in the 7th
h - J. Konecny pinch hit for H. bin Yaman in the 8th
D. Chamberlain
(3, 7th Inning off C. Gonzales, 1 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
H. Fareeq
2 (3, 2nd Inning off A. Tsaousidis, 2 on, 1 out; 8th Inning off A. Qudamah, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
S. bin Hamdan
A. Ferry
H. Fareeq
A. Versteeg
Y. Shamurin
D. Chamberlain
J. Marques
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Marchand
G. Cepeda
M. bin Samir
J. Marques
Sac Fly:
A. bin Zakiy
Hit by Pitch:
A. bin Zakiy
J. Rousset
Team LOB: