Tolenka Ibragimbekov
Berlin Black Eagles (ML)
Tolenka Ibragimbekov
July 24, 2089 (24 y, 0 m, 19 d)
Born In:
Ozerki, STA, RUS
2108 Draft - Round: 5, Overall: 187, Team: Stockholm Vikings
Inj Prone:
$630k / 1 year
ML Service Time:
1 years, 27 days
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 40 to 45
Overall decreased from 50 to 45
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
Power Potential increased from 60 to 65
Avoid Ks increased from 40 to 45
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 40 to 45
Outfield Range increased from 25 to 35
LF defense increased from 0 to 20
Movement vs R increased from 25 to 30
LF DF Potential increased from 0 to 25
Overall increased from 45 to 50
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Weight decreased from 224 to 223
Weight decreased from 225 to 224
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
Local Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
National Popularity increased from Unknown to Insignificant
Weight decreased from 226 to 225
Contact vs L increased from 45 to 50
Power increased from 55 to 60
Power vs R increased from 55 to 60
Power vs L increased from 50 to 55
Eye increased from 45 to 50
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 35 to 40
1B defense increased from 65 to 70
1B DF Potential increased from 65 to 70
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Weight decreased from 227 to 226
Position changed from 1B to DH
Weight decreased from 228 to 227
Contact increased from 45 to 50
Contact vs R increased from 45 to 50
Power Potential increased from 55 to 60
Power increased from 45 to 55
Power vs R increased from 45 to 55
Power vs L increased from 45 to 50
Eye vs R increased from 45 to 50
Avoid Ks increased from 35 to 40
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 35 to 40
Sac Bunt decreased from 35 to 30
Infield Error increased from 35 to 40
Outfield Error increased from 25 to 30
PBABIP vs L increased from 35 to 40
Weight increased from 227 to 228
Weight decreased from 228 to 227
Weight decreased from 229 to 228
Weight decreased from 230 to 229
Weight decreased from 231 to 230
Weight decreased from 232 to 231
Power vs L increased from 40 to 45
Avoid Ks increased from 30 to 35
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 30 to 35
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 30 to 35
Movement increased from 25 to 30
Speed increased from 0 to 25
Stealing increased from 0 to 20
Baserunning increased from 0 to 25
Weight decreased from 233 to 232
1B defense increased from 60 to 65
Weight increased from 232 to 233
Gap vs L increased from 40 to 45
Power increased from 40 to 45
Power vs R increased from 40 to 45
Eye vs L increased from 40 to 45
BABIP vs L decreased from 65 to 60
Weight decreased from 233 to 232
Contact Potential decreased from 60 to 55
Contact increased from 40 to 45
Contact vs L increased from 40 to 45
Gap Potential increased from 30 to 45
Gap increased from 30 to 45
Gap vs R increased from 30 to 45
Gap vs L increased from 30 to 40
Power Potential increased from 50 to 55
Power increased from 35 to 40
Power vs R increased from 35 to 40
Power vs L increased from 35 to 40
Eye Potential increased from 45 to 50
Eye increased from 35 to 45
Eye vs R increased from 35 to 45
Eye vs L increased from 35 to 40
Avoid Ks Potential increased from 40 to 45
Avoid Ks increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 25 to 30
Bunt for Hit increased from 20 to 25
Speed decreased from 20 to 0
Stealing decreased from 20 to 0
Baserunning decreased from 25 to 0
Infield Range increased from 40 to 45
Outfield Error decreased from 30 to 25
Catcher Ability increased from 20 to 25
Catcher Arm decreased from 25 to 20
1B defense increased from 55 to 60
Stuff Potential increased from 20 to 25
Stuff increased from 20 to 25
Stuff vs R increased from 20 to 25
Stuff vs L increased from 20 to 25
Movement Potential increased from 20 to 30
Movement increased from 20 to 25
Movement vs R increased from 20 to 25
Movement vs L increased from 20 to 30
Fastball Pot increased from 30 to 35
Fastball increased from 30 to 35
Contact vs R increased from 40 to 45
Weight decreased from 234 to 233
Weight decreased from 235 to 234
Gap vs L increased from 25 to 30
Power increased from 30 to 35
Power vs R increased from 30 to 35
Power vs L increased from 30 to 35
Eye vs L increased from 30 to 35
Bunt for Hit decreased from 25 to 20
1B defense increased from 50 to 55
Weight decreased from 236 to 235
Contact increased from 35 to 40
Contact vs R increased from 35 to 40
Contact vs L increased from 35 to 40
Gap increased from 25 to 30
Gap vs R increased from 25 to 30
Power Potential decreased from 55 to 50
Eye Potential increased from 40 to 45
Eye increased from 25 to 35
Eye vs R increased from 25 to 35
Eye vs L increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 20 to 25
Bunt for Hit increased from 20 to 25
Eye vs R decreased from 30 to 25
Avoid Ks vs L decreased from 25 to 20
Weight increased from 234 to 236
Contact Potential decreased from 70 to 60
Power vs R decreased from 35 to 30
Eye Potential decreased from 45 to 40
Eye decreased from 30 to 25
Catcher Arm increased from 20 to 25
Weight decreased from 236 to 234
Gap increased from 20 to 25
Gap vs R increased from 20 to 25
Gap vs L increased from 20 to 25
Power vs R increased from 30 to 35
Eye increased from 25 to 30
Eye vs R increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks Potential decreased from 45 to 40
1B defense increased from 35 to 50
Weight increased from 235 to 236
Avoid Ks Potential increased from 40 to 45
Weight decreased from 236 to 235