Award | Date | Team |
Pitcher of the Year | 2112 (3rd) | Baghdad (AABA) |
2107 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
2106 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
2105 (2nd) | Nairobi (AABA) | |
All-Star | 2108 | Kolkata (AABA) |
2107 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
2106 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
2105 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
2104 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
Pitcher of the Month | Aug 2112 | Baghdad (AABA) |
Jul 2107 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
Oct 2106 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
Jul 2105 | Nairobi (AABA) | |
Player of the Week | May 24, 2106 | Nairobi (AABA) |
Player | Score |
Abdel Massé R | 978 |
Solano Brion | 977 |
Darren McFarlane R | 977 |
Abdul Razzaq Nishapuri R | 976 |
Erwin Joseph | 974 |
Mustafa Rocher R | 973 |
Bashshar Ahmad R | 967 |
Aidan Talbot R | 963 |
Vladislav Mirkovic R | 962 |
Florent Sicco | 961 |
Player | Score |
Abdel Massé R | 978 |
Solano Brion | 977 |
Erwin Joseph | 974 |
Bashshar Ahmad R | 967 |
Aidan Talbot R | 963 |
Vladislav Mirkovic R | 962 |
Florent Sicco | 961 |
Joyjeet Mahatma | 961 |
Loman McCarthy | 961 |
Angelo Torres R | 959 |