González Tags Thunderbolts for 5 Hits
Tuesday, June 19th , 2068
Newark Flangers catcher Dave González had the hot hand in the game against the Waterford Thunderbolts at Ballpark of Newark. He scorched Waterford hurlers for 5 hits as the Flangers raced to a speedy 4-3 victory.
"That's what I call a good day: 5 hits and finished early enough to go out on the town," he said in postgame comments to reporters. "Wait, Coach didn't hear that, right?"
Dave González singled in the 1st, singled in the 3rd, hit a two-run home run off Stephen Kelley in the 4th, singled in the 6th and singled in the 9th.
To date this year, González is batting .222 with 7 home runs.
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