Decker Belts 5 Hits
Monday, July 25th , 2061
Even as a kid, River Decker said his coaches told him the key to hitting was making contact, and letting everything else flow from there. At Ballpark of Burlington, Decker showed how well he learned that lesson.
The 22-year-old first baseman had 5 hits in 5 at-bats for the Fond du Lac Dock Spiders, helping his team knock off the Fort Wayne TinCaps by a score of 10-3.
"They always said, just keep your eye on the ball, don't overswing, make contact and you never know what will happen," he said. "That's all I did."
River Decker hit a GRAND SLAM off Duke Fahey in the 1st, singled in the 2nd, hit a solo-shot off Davis Pecoraro in the 4th, singled in the 6th and singled in the 8th.
This year, Decker has batted at a .253 pace with 19 hits, 4 home runs, 11 RBIs and scored 7 times.
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