a - S. Kennedy pinch hit for J. Snyder in the 5th
b - V. Love pinch hit for P. Tovar in the 5th
c - K. MacLean pinch hit for M. Brown in the 5th
d - J. McHugh inserted as DH in the 5th
e - J. Ervin substituted for A. Lagunas in the 5th
f - A. Long substituted for S. Kennedy in the 5th
g - J. Biffle pinch hit for D. Ringer in the 6th
h - T. Meyer pinch hit for L. Gatlin in the 6th
i - A. Phillips substituted for J. Evans in the 6th
j - T. Bryant pinch hit for J. Samoska in the 8th
M. Brown
(3, 1st Inning off I. Carrillo, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
P. Tovar
V. Love
M. Brown
J. Evans
J. McHugh
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. McHugh
A. Lagunas
Sac Fly:
J. Evans
Hit by Pitch:
D. Ringer
Team LOB:
A. Long
Double Plays:
2 (Meyer-Long-Biffle, Long-Meyer-Biffle)
a - D. Gamble substituted for B. Strong in the 6th
b - E. Brazen pinch hit for G. Allaire in the 6th
c - B. Counts inserted as DH in the 6th
d - M. Head pinch hit for R. Gums in the 6th
e - C. Masse pinch hit for J. Sterling in the 7th
f - D. Marino pinch hit for L. Martin in the 7th
g - D. Lange pinch hit for L. Maturo in the 8th
h - A. Cedeño pinch hit for N. Mast in the 8th
i - E. Beyleveld pinch hit for D. Gamble in the 8th
j - M. Carson pinch ran for A. Cedeño in the 8th
k - F. Schuler pinch hit for E. Brazen in the 8th
L. Martin
(1, 3rd Inning off T. Kurokawa, 0 on, 0 outs)
G. Allaire
(1, 4th Inning off T. Kurokawa, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
B. Counts
(4, 6th Inning off R. Ambrose, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
G. Allaire
B. Counts
M. Head
R. Baum
L. Martin
L. Maturo
2-out RBI:
B. Counts
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
B. Strong
J. Sterling
C. Masse
D. Marino
Team LOB:
N. Mast