a - P. Miller inserted as DH in the 4th
b - J. Strom pinch hit for S. Calder in the 5th
c - S. Jovel pinch hit for C. Castillo in the 5th
d - I. Guiliano substituted for S. Baker in the 5th
e - K. Golson substituted for M. Arneson in the 5th
f - E. Chestnut pinch hit for E. Javier in the 6th
g - G. Rose pinch hit for R. Fitzgerald in the 6th
h - T. Remillard pinch hit for A. Oliva in the 7th
i - C. Errington inserted as DH in the 9th
I. Ugarte
(5, 3rd Inning off J. Howard, 0 on, 0 outs)
P. Miller
(1, 7th Inning off B. Jonas, 1 on, 1 out)
S. Jovel
(1, 9th Inning off A. Cross, 1 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
E. Javier
(1, 3rd Inning off D. Workman, 3 on, 2 outs)
E. Chestnut
(1, 8th Inning off H. Caso, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
I. Ugarte
P. Miller
C. Errington
A. Oliva
J. Strom
C. Castillo
S. Jovel
E. Javier
E. Chestnut
R. Fitzgerald
K. Golson
2-out RBI:
S. Jovel
E. Javier
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Jovel
I. Guiliano
M. Roth
Sac Fly:
M. Arneson
Team LOB:
A. Oliva
J. Strom
A. Oliva
a - J. Hunt pinch hit for M. Mattson in the 4th
b - J. Levine substituted for E. Alvares in the 5th
c - B. Jacobson substituted for B. Sampson in the 5th
d - D. Folkman substituted for F. Lovato in the 5th
e - J. Paquet substituted for K. Peavey in the 5th
f - R. Pitkin substituted for T. Oliviero in the 5th
g - C. Pack pinch hit for M. Bennett in the 5th
h - V. Tracey substituted for D. Hyder in the 6th
i - H. Berchtold inserted as DH in the 6th
j - R. Celestin pinch hit for J. Paquet in the 7th
k - B. Williamson pinch hit for J. Hunt in the 8th
l - K. Foster pinch hit for J. Levine in the 9th
m - J. Beltran pinch hit for B. Jacobson in the 9th
H. Berchtold
(2, 6th Inning off M. Woods, 0 on, 0 outs)
J. Levine
(1, 7th Inning off E. Youngs, 2 on, 0 outs)
J. Levine
(1, 5th Inning off A. Díaz, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
M. Mattson
(1, 3rd Inning off H. Sodoma, 0 on, 1 out)
E. Alvares
(1, 3rd Inning off H. Sodoma, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
M. Mattson
C. Pack
E. Alvares
J. Levine
M. Santos
H. Berchtold
K. Peavey
T. Oliviero
2-out RBI:
H. Berchtold
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Hunt
D. Folkman
R. Pitkin
Team LOB:
M. Bennett
OF assists:
1 (Paquet(Remillard at 3rd base))