a - J. Mayuzumi pinch hit for D. Spurlock in the 7th
b - R. Rousseau substituted for J. Mayuzumi in the 7th
c - N. Barthlow pinch hit for R. Campbell in the 8th
d - B. Sullivan pinch hit for F. Poe in the 8th
e - T. Martin inserted as DH in the 8th
f - E. Stewart substituted for N. Barthlow in the 8th
g - M. Meyer substituted for B. Sullivan in the 8th
h - M. Gallen pinch hit for V. Erskine in the 9th
i - R. Bonilla pinch hit for E. Lugo in the 9th
j - O. Arcila inserted as DH in the 9th
k - E. Carey pinch ran for R. Bonilla in the 9th
l - J. Leese substituted for M. Gallen in the 9th
m - R. Marte substituted for E. Carey in the 9th
n - J. Dutra pinch hit for E. Stewart in the 10th
o - R. Blair pinch hit for P. Chartier in the 10th
p - C. Gregory pinch ran for J. Dutra in the 10th
q - R. Gilbert substituted for C. Gregory in the 10th
r - F. Casillas pinch hit for R. Marte in the 11th
s - F. Guerrero substituted for F. Casillas in the 11th
t - V. Ramírez pinch hit for R. Gilbert in the 12th
u - L. Roy substituted for V. Ramírez in the 12th
v - A. Ayala pinch hit for R. Rousseau in the 13th
w - D. Kidd pinch hit for F. Guerrero in the 13th
x - D. Arojo substituted for A. Ayala in the 13th
y - T. Van de Bergh substituted for D. Kidd in the 13th
z - Z. Lamp pinch hit for L. Roy in the 15th
{ - T. Gijon substituted for Z. Lamp in the 15th
D. Arojo
(2, 16th Inning off K. Burgos, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
T. Anchondo
J. Raymond
E. Armendariz
R. Campbell
J. Dutra
V. Ramírez
R. Blair
V. Erskine
A. Ayala
D. Arojo
E. Lugo
R. Bonilla
2-out RBI:
E. Armendariz
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
T. Anchondo
J. Raymond
O. Arcila
R. Campbell
P. Chartier
F. Poe
B. Sullivan
D. Spurlock
R. Rousseau
D. Kidd
R. Blair
Sac Fly:
F. Poe
Team LOB:
D. Spurlock
Double Plays:
2 (Chartier-Spurlock-Erskine, Blair-Rousseau-Leese)
OF assists:
1 (Anchondo(McGranahan at 2nd base))
a - V. Alemán inserted as DH in the 6th
b - D. McKay pinch hit for M. Frias in the 7th
c - P. Alford pinch hit for T. Burns in the 7th
d - Y. Paz substituted for P. Alford in the 8th
e - C. Pell pinch hit for W. Willis in the 8th
f - V. Kilbourn pinch hit for D. García in the 8th
g - A. Velting pinch hit for Y. Paz in the 9th
h - D. Hamiter substituted for A. Velting in the 10th
i - A. Talley pinch hit for Y. Saravia in the 13th
j - B. Muñoz substituted for A. Talley in the 14th
C. Pell
(1, 10th Inning off M. González, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
D. García
(2, 5th Inning off A. Marin, 2 on, 0 outs)
E. Nuñez
(5, 6th Inning off A. Marin, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
C. Whitman
P. Alford
E. Nuñez
H. Mejia
C. Pell
G. McGranahan
V. Alemán
D. García
V. Kilbourn
D. McKay
Y. Saravia
A. Talley
2-out RBI:
V. Kilbourn
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
E. Nuñez
H. Mejia
Y. Saravia
D. García
V. Kilbourn
Sac Bunt:
Y. Saravia
Sac Fly:
E. Nuñez
Hit by Pitch:
Y. Saravia
Team LOB:
M. Frias
Double Plays:
1 (Nuñez-Mejia-Whitman)
D. García