a - E. Walch pinch hit for J. Fildes in the 6th
b - R. De Quesada substituted for E. Walch in the 6th
c - L. Weber inserted as DH in the 7th
d - R. Fernández pinch hit for B. Valmoja in the 8th
e - E. Young substituted for R. Fernández in the 8th
f - Y. Campos pinch hit for A. Cone in the 9th
g - K. McLeod pinch hit for R. De Quesada in the 9th
Home Runs:
O. Steffler
(3, 1st Inning off A. Ryan, 1 on, 2 outs)
J. Dan
(3, 2nd Inning off A. Ryan, 0 on, 0 outs)
D. Perdomo
(4, 3rd Inning off A. Ryan, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Fildes
D. Perdomo
O. Steffler
A. Tart
J. Dan
B. Valmoja
L. Young
2-out RBI:
D. Perdomo
O. Steffler
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
E. Walch
O. Steffler
L. Young
Sac Bunt:
J. Fildes
Sac Fly:
A. Cone
Team LOB:
a - W. West pinch hit for C. Rosselli in the 7th
b - J. Salter substituted for W. West in the 8th
c - C. García pinch hit for L. Iwahara in the 8th
d - C. Dixon inserted as DH in the 8th
e - R. Pantoja pinch hit for E. Sorenson in the 8th
f - H. Madrigal substituted for P. Özen in the 9th
g - C. Tolbert substituted for C. García in the 9th
N. DeVries
(1, 4th Inning off J. Mazzei, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
N. DeVries
(2, 1st Inning off J. Mazzei, 2 on, 2 outs)
A. Lazarus
(1, 4th Inning off J. Mazzei, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
R. Pantoja
H. Jarvis
C. Rosselli
W. West
N. DeVries
P. Özen
A. Lazarus
L. Iwahara
C. García
2-out RBI:
H. Jarvis
N. DeVries
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Rosselli
J. Salter
N. DeVries
J. Olivarez
Sac Bunt:
A. Lazarus
Hit by Pitch:
V. Ortega
H. Jarvis
C. Dixon
Team LOB:
V. Ortega
Double Plays:
1 (Rosselli-Ortega-Jarvis)