BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, July 29th , 2058
Who holds the single season record in the Serie Nacional de Baseball for batting AVG?
Osmani Urrutia, LTu, .4690, 2004 Michel Enriquez, IJv, .4471, 2005 Luis V. Mateo, Cfg, .4421, 2035 Luis V. Mateo, Cfg, .4385, 2036 Mario Arreola, Gtm, .4316, 2053
BNN Stats: Rookie Batting Leaders
Monday, July 22nd , 2058
Which rookie is leading the Serie Nacional de Baseball in on-base percentage?
Mike Ramirez, Cmg, .415 Luis Bustamante, IJv, .396 Dave Flores, PdR, .393 Juan Lopez, CAv, .390 Danny Escamilla, Hol, .383
CUB News: Draft Pool Revealed
Tuesday, July 16th , 2058
With the rookie draft only weeks away, clubs are huddled in their conference rooms, mapping out scouting strategies with their eye toward the future. These sabermetrical speculators will be traipsing across the fruited plain, hunting for the ideal find, trying to decipher the will, drive and pure passion on the unknown youthful faces before them. Some will rely on tried-and-true baseball knowledge, others psychology. And others will live by luck alone. Though their final assessments will be made and hashed over many times before draft day, the repercussions of draft day, good or bad, will endure long after the dust has settled.
At any rate, teams now have thirty days to scout the draft pool prior to the draft. The Transactions page also gets a new section dedicated to the pool.
The early favorites to be high picks are the following: 1. DeMario Barrera, 21 year-old RHP out of college. 2. Oscar Cuellar, 20 year-old C out of college. 3. Leo Montes De Oca, 21 year-old 3B out of college. 4. Noe Estrada, 21 year-old RF out of college. 5. Jordan Mendes, 21 year-old LF out of college. 6. Bobby Galvan, 19 year-old 1B out of college. 7. Mike Navarro, 21 year-old SS out of college. 8. Frank Cintron, 20 year-old 1B out of college. 9. Jesus Valdez, 21 year-old 2B out of college. 10. Jose Mireles, 18 year-old CF out of high-school.
The official OSA Mock Draft will be released on the day of the draft, or you can review the draft pool on the draft page.