a - C. McKie substituted for Z. Mothudi in the 5th
b - D. Angolwisye substituted for S. Hasegawa in the 5th
c - A. Salam pinch hit for W. Tergat in the 6th
d - C. Putt pinch hit for E. Abdul in the 6th
e - Y. Iregi pinch hit for Z. McIntosh in the 6th
f - N. Barmasai pinch hit for Z. Makini in the 6th
g - S. Nanji inserted as DH in the 6th
h - J. Dibia substituted for H. Utni in the 6th
i - B. Mwaka pinch hit for J. Worthington in the 7th
j - I. Bakari pinch hit for C. Putt in the 8th
k - F. Modi pinch hit for C. McKie in the 8th
l - M. Sahere substituted for I. Bakari in the 8th
m - O. Allen substituted for F. Modi in the 8th
n - T. Adusa pinch hit for A. Salam in the 9th
Total Bases:
T. Boukadida
B. Mwaka
S. Hasegawa
D. Angolwisye
W. Tergat
E. Abdul
Z. Mothudi
C. McKie
2-out RBI:
B. Mwaka
W. Tergat
C. McKie
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Nanji
D. Angolwisye
H. Utni
A. Salam
E. Abdul
Z. Makini
Sac Bunt:
J. Worthington
C. Putt
Team LOB:
D. Angolwisye
a - S. Adebayo substituted for A. Habibu in the 5th
b - A. Lou substituted for T. Missaoui in the 6th
c - L. Yafeu substituted for W. Kafil in the 6th
d - F. White substituted for K. Sefu in the 6th
e - N. Obayana substituted for G. Dickson in the 6th
f - L. Masasu pinch hit for I. Zahur in the 6th
g - J. Koimbori inserted as DH in the 6th
h - S. Tahir substituted for Z. Gharib in the 7th
i - C. Yoofi substituted for N. Kasiya in the 7th
T. Missaoui
(3, 4th Inning off I. Letsego, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Koimbori
T. Missaoui
L. Yafeu
Z. Gharib
S. Tahir
S. Adebayo
G. Dickson
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Adisa
A. Lou
K. Sefu
F. White
N. Obayana
Sac Bunt:
N. Kasiya
Team LOB:
Z. Gharib
S. Tahir
W. Kafil
F. White
N. Obayana