League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
A Tankut Al-Fanari, Bernardo Alemán, Okyay Alican, Román Alomar, Imre Austerlitz B Felipe Bello, Joël Bodin, Rivelino Belim, Chris Bostick, Glen Bradley
C Albert Carter, Ðbrahim Cikirikci, Miguel Costa, Luca Calver, Sérgio Cristo D Thomas Daly, Trofim Dabahov, Balduin Drusse, Gertjan Dura, Domingo Durán
E Eric Enersen, Gerd Ewig, Maurice Edwards, Håkon Eidsvåg, Gabriel Elliott F Larry Ferris, Olívio Fareles, Steve Forbes, Kurt Fritsch, John Ferguson
G Pedro García, Luis Gonzáles, Kîzîbas Guzey, Mark Guis, Jesús Gutiérrez H Claude Hughes, Gary Hill, Ben Hall, Gerald Holman, Mal Hanson
I Vincent Isaksen, Iemochi Iwamoto, Helmar Isringhausen, Jeremy Ingram, Rikyu Inoue J Anders Jonsson, Hamilton Jordan, Mike Johnstone, Harris Johns, Earl Johnson
K Vilem Kovar, Ryan Kennedy, Frank King, Jari Kaijomaa, Manne Kekkonen L Augusto Luna, Paul Lewis, Héctor Lugo, Aappo Luhtanen, Mike Lyytikäinen
M Telma Manta, Oriol Maldonado, Clifton Morgan, Pablo Matos, Keith Miner N Jayaram Neelesh, Mark Nixon, Woodrow Newman, Väinämö Nikkola, Garm Noussen
O Maurice Oldreive, Joe O'Toole, Trey Oye, Chris O'Dowd, Eamnonn O'Heffron P António Prado, Kuisma Parviainen, Bob Piña, Evgeny Prahov, Raffaello Papasogli
Q Fernando Quiñonez, Jaime Quintana, José Quintanilla, Pablo Quintanilla, Pepe Quiñones R Ángel Román, Michael Roberts, Dave Richardson, Juan Ramos, Cristián Ríos
S James Scott, Louwe Stuut, Casey Shane, Domingo Santana, Mats Stavem T Derek Tripp, Stephen Trick, John Tyler, Kenzo Tenno, Colm Thomas
U Niko Uzunovic, Kyle Ungs, Uluç Uche, Patrick Urckfitz, Jorge Urbina V Jurg Vohmin, Shurochka Viktorenko, Donahue Vaizey, Arman Vlodek, Keiran Vernon
W Alexander Willard, Daniel Wilson, Earl Wilson, Evan White, Cheng-ho Won X Mao Xú, Darren Xia, Xing-hua Xú, Han-wu Xú
Y Wu-ji Yu, Takiji Yoshioka, Lesta Yakushev, Kosami Yamasaki, Timothy Yost Z Gilg Zabel, Pedro Zamora, Ron Zamora, José Zúñiga, Marwan Zafar
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