Julio Cerna
Boston Red Sox (ML)
Julio Cerna
Sept. 19, 2003 (35 y, 10 m, 14 d)
Born In:
Nueva Guinea, ATL, NCA
$40.5M / 3 years (2038-2040)
ML Service Time:
13 years, 76 days
Player Awards
Award Date Team
All-Star 2039 Boston (MLB)
Pitcher of the Month Aug 2039 Boston (MLB)
Jul 2038 Boston (MLB)
May 2037 Boston (MLB)
Oct 2032 Boston (MLB)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink8
Grey Ink51
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Similar Thru Age 35
Leaderboard Appearances
Year W Rank
2032 14 8
2035 14 5
2039 13 2
Year L Rank
2036 15 9
2037 14 7
Year Win % Rank
2035 0.609 7
2039 0.765 2
Year IP Rank
2030 207.2 6
2037 211.1 8
2038 214.0 2
2039 162.0 1
Year BF Rank
2027 861 5
2030 890 6
2038 881 5
2039 642 2
Year BABIP Rank
2034 0.293 10
Year WHIP Rank
2037 1.164 9
2038 1.164 6
Year BB/9 Rank
2027 1.757 5
2029 2.231 5
2031 2.498 10
2032 2.140 10
2033 1.714 2
2035 2.077 1
2036 2.235 5
2037 2.044 3
2038 1.682 1
Year CG Rank
2029 3 2
2031 1 5
2033 1 5
2035 1 6
2037 3 1
2039 2 1
Year SHO Rank
2029 1 1
2031 1 1
2037 1 3
Year BB (Low) Rank
2027 38 4
2028 41 10
2029 48 5
2032 47 10
2033 36 2
2035 44 1
2036 49 5
2037 48 3
2038 40 4
Year Hits Rank
2027 241 1
2028 211 7
2029 234 4
2030 218 2
2031 230 3
2032 227 4
2033 210 5
2035 193 10
2036 214 4
2038 209 9
2039 137 10
Year HR (Low) Rank
2032 16 2
2035 16 6
Year WAR Rank
2032 4.8 4
2035 5.0 4
2036 4.4 5
2038 4.9 5
2039 4.6 2
Year W (Low) Rank
2036 6 3
Year L (Low) Rank
2027 9 10