a - S. Mainwaring pinch hit for J. De La Cruz in the 5th
b - J. Cluff substituted for A. Cruz in the 5th
c - P. Smith pinch hit for J. Bleday in the 6th
d - R. Martin pinch hit for R. Ramirez in the 6th
e - R. Erickson pinch hit for E. Green in the 6th
f - R. Levine inserted as DH in the 6th
g - F. Machado pinch hit for R. Colon in the 7th
P. Smith
(2, 6th Inning off L. Arias, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
R. Martin
(6, 6th Inning off L. Arias, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
P. Smith
V. Guerrero Jr.
R. Martin
E. Green
E. Machado
A. Cruz
2-out RBI:
E. Machado
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
1 (Smith-Cluff-Ramirez)
a - T. Ornelas substituted for S. Frelick in the 5th
b - P. Leon substituted for J. Crawford in the 5th
c - S. Schwellenbach substituted for A. Vera in the 5th
d - O. Arcia substituted for J. Cozart in the 5th
e - O. Linares substituted for M. Clemmons in the 5th
f - J. Ornelas pinch hit for R. Mountcastle in the 5th
g - C. Mayo inserted as DH in the 5th
h - F. Tatis Jr. pinch hit for E. Garcia in the 7th
i - S. Zavala pinch hit for D. Waters in the 7th
j - R. Neustrom pinch hit for S. Schwellenbach in the 9th
M. Clemmons
(2, 2nd Inning off K. Giuffrida, 1 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
D. Waters
(2, 1st Inning off K. Giuffrida, 0 on, 1 out)
A. Vera
(1, 2nd Inning off K. Giuffrida, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
M. Clemmons
D. Waters
K. Hiura
A. Vera
2-out RBI:
M. Clemmons
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
M. Clemmons
D. Waters
J. Ornelas
Hit by Pitch:
E. Garcia
Team LOB: