a - E. Gamboa pinch hit for K. Crane in the 4th
b - O. Delgadillo pinch hit for S. Iglesias in the 5th
c - A. Benavides substituted for J. Balesuelo in the 5th
d - M. Ballesteros substituted for J. Eberhard in the 5th
e - I. Lewis substituted for I. Herrera in the 5th
f - I. Vargas pinch hit for S. Beyer in the 6th
g - P. Stovall pinch hit for E. Murray in the 6th
h - J. Salas substituted for P. Stovall in the 6th
i - J. Dominguez inserted as DH in the 7th
j - V. Justo pinch hit for E. Alcaraz in the 7th
k - A. Sabato pinch hit for O. Delgadillo in the 9th
J. Eberhard
(1, 2nd Inning off B. Neely, 2 on, 1 out)
J. Balesuelo
(3, 2nd Inning off B. Neely, 0 on, 1 out)
S. Beyer
(5, 3rd Inning off C. Wagner, 2 on, 2 outs)
E. Gamboa
(4, 9th Inning off E. Frey, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
J. Dominguez
(2, 7th Inning off J. Valadez-Acuna, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
E. Gamboa
J. Dominguez
V. Justo
J. Balesuelo
S. Beyer
J. Eberhard
M. Ballesteros
2-out RBI:
S. Beyer
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
E. Gamboa
E. Mahaffy
I. Lewis
E. Murray
Sac Fly:
K. Crane
Hit by Pitch:
J. Balesuelo
Team LOB:
E. Alcaraz
J. Salas
a - J. Spence substituted for X. Edwards in the 5th
b - J. Pantelides substituted for I. Thomas in the 5th
c - M. Emmerson substituted for N. Sanchez in the 7th
d - L. Valenzuela substituted for J. Righter in the 7th
e - T. Anderson pinch hit for T. Whitaker in the 7th
f - N. McLain pinch hit for J. Alvarado in the 7th
g - C. Seager inserted as DH in the 7th
h - M. Olson pinch hit for V. Zamarripa in the 8th
i - T. Amoyal pinch hit for L. Valenzuela in the 8th
M. Olson
(4, 8th Inning off W. Dilonex, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Spence
V. Zamarripa
M. Olson
R. Artiga
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Pantelides
Sac Fly:
M. Emmerson
Team LOB: