a - N. Barbosa pinch hit for E. Pozas in the 4th
b - F. Gomez inserted as DH in the 4th
c - D. Schaefer pinch hit for B. Cabrera in the 4th
d - H. Cano pinch hit for B. Clark in the 4th
e - J. Climer substituted for D. Schaefer in the 4th
f - P. Holloway pinch hit for S. Cevallos in the 5th
g - J. Warner pinch hit for N. Williams in the 5th
h - A. Anaya pinch hit for B. Colburn in the 5th
i - T. Moreno pinch hit for J. Oldham in the 5th
j - J. Scott substituted for L. Blashill in the 5th
k - C. McKinney substituted for T. Moreno in the 5th
l - M. Camilli inserted as DH in the 9th
Home Runs:
B. Livengood
(2, 3rd Inning off C. Harris, 1 on, 2 outs)
B. Clark
(2, 3rd Inning off C. Harris, 1 on, 2 outs)
N. Barbosa
(1, 4th Inning off D. Bryan, 3 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
E. Pozas
N. Barbosa
B. Livengood
B. Clark
S. Cevallos
J. Warner
B. Colburn
A. Anaya
J. Oldham
L. Blashill
2-out RBI:
B. Livengood
B. Clark
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
N. Barbosa
T. Moreno
Team LOB:
E. Pozas
A. Anaya
a - J. Batiste substituted for J. Barragan in the 5th
b - K. Branham substituted for B. Haugen in the 5th
c - M. Brandl substituted for R. Avilar in the 5th
d - J. Mann substituted for K. Made in the 5th
e - J. Dempster substituted for D. Konopko in the 5th
f - S. Weber pinch hit for T. Kawasaki in the 5th
g - L. Mendoza pinch hit for S. Ortiz in the 5th
h - J. Allen inserted as DH in the 5th
i - K. Lyles substituted for A. Vazquez in the 7th
j - E. Neel pinch hit for K. Lyles in the 9th
k - J. Gonzales pinch hit for S. Weber in the 9th
l - D. Villeda pinch hit for L. Mendoza in the 9th
S. Ortiz
(1, 3rd Inning off M. Chatha, 1 on, 1 out)
J. Gonzales
(1, 9th Inning off P. Harris, 1 on, 2 outs)
S. Weber
(1, 5th Inning off B. Inman, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
S. Weber
J. Gonzales
S. Ortiz
J. Allen
J. Barragan
B. Haugen
R. Avilar
J. Dempster
2-out RBI:
B. Haugen
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Villeda
R. Avilar
M. Brandl
Sac Fly:
K. Made
Team LOB:
J. Barragan