a - J. Flagg pinch hit for H. Lua in the 5th
b - J. Barrera pinch hit for M. Smith in the 5th
c - J. Jackson substituted for S. Gibson in the 5th
d - T. Palmer substituted for A. Wells in the 5th
e - H. Vasquez substituted for M. Eastwood in the 5th
f - A. Lopez pinch hit for A. Melendez in the 7th
g - M. Wrisley pinch hit for B. Harnack in the 7th
h - E. Ortega inserted as DH in the 7th
i - S. Boggs pinch hit for H. Vasquez in the 9th
j - A. Samos pinch hit for D. Larson in the 9th
k - D. Jamaica pinch hit for J. Flagg in the 9th
l - Z. Cleveland pinch hit for J. Barrera in the 9th
M. Eastwood
(4, 1st Inning off C. Reed, 2 on, 2 outs)
A. Wells
(3, 3rd Inning off C. Reed, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Flagg
D. Jamaica
M. Smith
S. Gibson
A. Wells
T. Palmer
M. Eastwood
A. Lopez
B. Harnack
2-out RBI:
D. Jamaica
A. Wells
M. Eastwood
A. Samos
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
Z. Cleveland
M. Eastwood
A. Melendez
D. Pace
Team LOB:
J. Barrera
H. Lua
Double Plays:
3 (Harnack-Lua-Melendez, Barrera-Harnack-Melendez, Samos-Wrisley-Lopez)
a - C. Rivera pinch hit for J. Mays in the 4th
b - J. Ruiz substituted for M. Echols in the 5th
c - M. Benson pinch hit for T. Manzo in the 5th
d - P. Tennant inserted as DH in the 5th
e - J. Baker pinch hit for T. Sierra in the 5th
f - D. Moreno substituted for J. Winter in the 6th
g - B. Jones pinch hit for A. Silva in the 6th
h - E. Ventura pinch hit for A. Navarro in the 9th
Home Runs:
G. Esterberg
(7, 1st Inning off Z. Renner, 1 on, 2 outs)
J. Ruiz
(2, 5th Inning off J. Vizuet, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
G. Esterberg
J. Ruiz
B. Jones
A. Navarro
C. Henkel
2-out RBI:
G. Esterberg
J. Ruiz
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Winter
C. Rivera
D. Moreno
A. Silva
A. Navarro
Hit by Pitch:
A. Navarro
C. Henkel
Team LOB:
T. Manzo
C. Henkel
Double Plays:
2 (Mays-Silva-Sierra, Rivera-Jones)