a - J. Pacas pinch hit for V. Acosta in the 5th
b - C. Adrianza pinch hit for R. Torrez in the 5th
c - A. Castrillo pinch hit for M. Dooley in the 6th
d - M. Gordon pinch hit for J. Consalvi in the 6th
e - I. Curry inserted as DH in the 6th
f - D. Burch substituted for G. Morales in the 6th
g - A. Armagost pinch hit for A. Concepcion in the 7th
h - J. Herrera substituted for S. Westmoreland in the 7th
i - R. Trujillo pinch hit for D. Burch in the 9th
j - D. Cloud pinch hit for J. Coppinger in the 9th
R. Torrez
(3, 1st Inning off L. Ortiz, 1 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
A. Castrillo
(1, 8th Inning off J. Shane, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
S. Westmoreland
V. Acosta
R. Torrez
C. Adrianza
M. Dooley
A. Castrillo
J. Consalvi
2-out RBI:
A. Castrillo
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Rigsby
G. Morales
Sac Fly:
M. Dooley
Team LOB:
R. Torrez
J. Fischer
G. Morales
Double Plays:
1 (Pacas-Westmoreland-Castrillo)
a - Q. Bizet pinch hit for J. Jandres in the 4th
b - B. Daves substituted for O. Jaquez in the 5th
c - J. Swann inserted as DH in the 5th
d - C. Hill pinch hit for J. Gerken in the 5th
e - E. Rios pinch hit for A. Mendosa in the 5th
f - T. Richburg substituted for T. Wojciechowski in the 6th
g - S. Iglesias pinch hit for G. Cortinas in the 6th
h - R. Barrientos pinch hit for A. Mares in the 6th
i - J. Uriarte substituted for R. Barrientos in the 7th
j - B. Corn pinch hit for J. Holland in the 7th
k - M. Estrada substituted for B. Corn in the 8th
l - B. Lopez pinch hit for Q. Bizet in the 8th
m - D. Yenser substituted for B. Lopez in the 9th
J. Swann
(1, 7th Inning off K. Innis, 2 on, 1 out)
J. Uriarte
(2, 8th Inning off C. Juve, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Jandres
B. Corn
B. Daves
J. Swann
J. Gerken
A. Mendosa
G. Cortinas
T. Richburg
A. Mares
J. Uriarte
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
B. Lopez
J. Holland
O. Jaquez
E. Rios
R. Barrientos
Hit by Pitch:
T. Wojciechowski
Team LOB:
Q. Bizet