a - R. Withers substituted for J. Hart in the 5th
b - L. Bazan pinch hit for E. Saucedo in the 6th
c - Z. Carter substituted for K. Monroe in the 6th
d - P. Fagner substituted for C. Patton in the 6th
e - A. Bracho inserted as DH in the 7th
f - D. Humphries pinch hit for J. Jacobson in the 7th
g - J. Mejia pinch hit for D. Goltz in the 7th
h - J. Xerez substituted for J. Mejia in the 7th
i - N. Micari pinch hit for I. Vargas in the 8th
N. Wilson
(1, 8th Inning off B. Capers, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
J. Xerez
(2, 9th Inning off E. Bowman, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
D. Humphries
J. Mejia
J. Xerez
N. Wilson
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
Z. Carter
P. Fagner
Team LOB:
A. Bracho
OF assists:
1 (Patton(Alberganza at 3rd base))
a - D. Betancourt substituted for L. de la Piedra in the 6th
b - C. Shepherd substituted for O. Alberganza in the 6th
c - J. Peyton substituted for D. Schwartz in the 6th
d - M. Hobbick inserted as DH in the 6th
e - J. Schwartz substituted for B. Haslup in the 7th
f - M. Ragsdale substituted for T. Fulwiler in the 7th
g - D. Molina substituted for I. Kington in the 7th
h - N. Lehane pinch hit for T. Greer in the 7th
i - R. Stowe pinch hit for J. Russell in the 7th
j - M. Aguilar pinch hit for J. Schwartz in the 8th
k - S. McBride substituted for M. Aguilar in the 9th
l - J. Lee pinch hit for J. Peyton in the 9th
Total Bases:
D. Betancourt
O. Alberganza
C. Shepherd
B. Haslup
T. Fulwiler
M. Ragsdale
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Shepherd
M. Aguilar
J. Russell
R. Stowe
Sac Bunt:
T. Greer
Team LOB: