a - L. Varela pinch hit for A. Cantillo in the 4th
b - B. Cantu pinch hit for J. Rodriguez in the 4th
c - M. Pena substituted for L. Varela in the 4th
d - J. Texidor substituted for B. Cantu in the 4th
e - E. Garza pinch hit for N. Lopez in the 5th
f - M. Fraize substituted for E. Acevedo in the 5th
g - D. Fernandez substituted for E. Garza in the 5th
h - S. Robledo pinch hit for J. Rodriguez in the 6th
i - T. Valdez substituted for R. Zamago in the 6th
j - A. Moreno substituted for E. Barrios in the 6th
k - T. Liz inserted as DH in the 7th
l - R. Paiz pinch hit for M. Erazo in the 7th
m - B. Natera substituted for R. Paiz in the 7th
M. Erazo
(5, 1st Inning off H. Perez, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
R. Zamago
(2, 3rd Inning off H. Perez, 0 on, 2 outs)
E. Garza
(1, 5th Inning off R. Ortiz, 0 on, 0 outs)
T. Valdez
(2, 7th Inning off K. Belden, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
R. Zamago
T. Valdez
M. Erazo
L. Varela
M. Fraize
E. Garza
2-out RBI:
R. Zamago
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
T. Liz
J. Rodriguez
J. Texidor
E. Acevedo
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
2 (Fernandez-Pena-Fraize, Natera-Pena-Fraize)
a - G. Atherton pinch hit for A. Almendares in the 4th
b - R. Vera pinch hit for J. Rust in the 4th
c - J. Salazar pinch hit for A. Williams in the 4th
d - M. Orozco substituted for A. Delgado in the 5th
e - J. Bravo substituted for J. Salazar in the 5th
f - A. Aragon substituted for J. Gonzales in the 5th
g - L. Montalvo pinch hit for A. Gomez in the 5th
h - M. Rogers inserted as DH in the 6th
i - T. Rodriguez pinch hit for G. Atherton in the 8th
j - A. Lopez pinch hit for J. Bravo in the 9th
E. Ladd
(4, 7th Inning off J. Reynoso, 1 on, 1 out)
A. Lopez
(3, 9th Inning off D. Lopera, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
J. Figueroa
(4, 5th Inning off J. Medrano, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
M. Rogers
J. Rust
A. Lopez
J. Gonzales
A. Aragon
E. Ladd
J. Figueroa
A. Gomez
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Pinon
J. Gonzales
E. Ladd
L. Montalvo
A. Delgado
E. Ladd
M. Orozco
Hit by Pitch:
J. Pinon
R. Vera
L. Montalvo
Team LOB:
J. Rust
J. Gonzales