a - O. Ortiz pinch hit for R. Barrera in the 5th
b - J. Gardner inserted as DH in the 5th
c - L. Marron pinch hit for J. Carbajal in the 5th
d - J. Pedraza substituted for D. Lozano in the 5th
e - A. Galarza pinch hit for M. Suzukawa in the 6th
f - A. Perez pinch hit for A. Avila in the 6th
g - A. Aguilar pinch hit for J. Botello in the 6th
h - E. Parra pinch hit for J. Alvarez in the 6th
i - R. Andazola pinch hit for A. Aguilar in the 8th
j - M. Payan pinch hit for J. Pedraza in the 8th
k - A. Aleman pinch hit for O. Ortiz in the 8th
l - A. Vega inserted as DH in the 8th
m - A. Gonzales substituted for R. Andazola in the 8th
n - T. Anzures substituted for M. Payan in the 8th
o - J. Sanchez pinch hit for L. Marron in the 9th
p - D. Rosales pinch hit for A. Galarza in the 9th
q - V. Ruvalcaba pinch hit for E. Parra in the 9th
r - J. Castillo pinch hit for T. Anzures in the 9th
s - D. Ossa substituted for J. Sanchez in the 9th
t - W. Diaz substituted for D. Rosales in the 9th
u - R. Lima substituted for V. Ruvalcaba in the 9th
J. Alvarez
(1, 2nd Inning off T. Brown, 1 on, 2 outs)
M. Suzukawa
(1, 4th Inning off M. Lemus, 0 on, 0 outs)
O. Ortiz
(1, 5th Inning off E. Carrion, 0 on, 1 out)
A. Perez
2 (3, 6th Inning off E. Carrion, 1 on, 0 outs; 8th Inning off D. Ramos, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
A. Avila
(1, 4th Inning off M. Lemus, 1 on, 0 outs)
E. Parra
(1, 6th Inning off E. Carrion, 2 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Castillo
O. Ortiz
A. Aleman
M. Suzukawa
A. Galarza
D. Rosales
A. Avila
A. Perez
J. Botello
A. Aguilar
A. Gonzales
J. Alvarez
E. Parra
2-out RBI:
J. Castillo
A. Aleman
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Aleman
A. Vega
J. Carbajal
L. Marron
J. Payes
A. Avila
Hit by Pitch:
M. Payan
Team LOB:
D. Lozano
Double Plays:
2 (Villarreal-Lozano-Suzukawa, Aleman-Castillo-Diaz)
OF assists:
1 (Marron(Baza at home))
a - V. Barragan substituted for R. Fuentes in the 5th
b - J. Lebron Jr. substituted for C. Alvarez in the 5th
c - R. Sigala substituted for T. Macklin in the 5th
d - A. Parada substituted for T. Besteiro in the 5th
e - C. Jensen pinch hit for B. Hinzman in the 5th
f - F. Baza inserted as DH in the 5th
g - J. Texidor substituted for C. Jensen in the 6th
h - H. Pinedo pinch hit for W. Montejano in the 6th
i - A. Chacon pinch hit for J. Lebron Jr. in the 7th
j - D. Nevarez pinch hit for A. Parada in the 8th
k - E. Dominguez pinch hit for V. Barragan in the 9th
l - T. Carrion inserted as DH in the 9th
m - J. Jara pinch hit for R. Sigala in the 9th
n - W. Moreno pinch hit for A. Crespo in the 9th
o - V. Soto pinch ran for J. Jara in the 9th
W. Montejano
(1, 3rd Inning off M. Villarreal, 0 on, 1 out)
R. Fuentes
(1, 3rd Inning off J. Ayllon, 1 on, 2 outs)
V. Barragan
(2, 5th Inning off J. Ayllon, 0 on, 1 out)
E. Dominguez
(1, 9th Inning off R. Otwell, 0 on, 0 outs)
J. Jara
(1, 9th Inning off J. Romero, 2 on, 1 out)
R. Cintron
(1, 9th Inning off J. Romero, 2 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
E. Jones
(1, 2nd Inning off M. Villarreal, 0 on, 1 out)
T. Besteiro
(1, 3rd Inning off M. Villarreal, 0 on, 1 out)
R. Cintron
(2, 7th Inning off J. Sandoval, 1 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
T. Besteiro
W. Montejano
B. Hinzman
R. Fuentes
V. Barragan
E. Dominguez
A. Chacon
E. Jones
R. Cintron
R. Sigala
J. Jara
2-out RBI:
R. Fuentes
R. Sigala
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
W. Montejano
V. Barragan
C. Alvarez
D. Nevarez
W. Montejano
Hit by Pitch:
H. Pinedo
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
1 (Alvarez-Montejano-Besteiro)