a - J. Grant pinch hit for J. Busch in the 5th
b - G. Gorkowski pinch hit for M. Gaitan in the 5th
c - E. Wylam substituted for D. Munn in the 5th
d - D. Katz substituted for A. Diaz in the 5th
e - S. James substituted for J. Grant in the 5th
f - M. Owen substituted for G. Gorkowski in the 5th
g - O. Ramos pinch hit for J. Kraft in the 6th
h - A. Belen pinch hit for D. O'Connor in the 6th
i - E. Smithberg inserted as DH in the 6th
j - G. Gradert substituted for K. Ellenburg in the 6th
k - J. Boese substituted for O. Ramos in the 6th
l - A. Chirino substituted for A. Belen in the 6th
m - R. Campos pinch hit for J. Boese in the 8th
n - M. Craig pinch hit for A. Chirino in the 8th
o - R. Garza substituted for R. Campos in the 8th
p - J. Yadon substituted for M. Craig in the 8th
G. Gradert
(1, 9th Inning off K. Howard, 0 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
A. Belen
(2, 6th Inning off C. Anderson, 1 on, 1 out)
S. James
(3, 7th Inning off C. Anderson, 0 on, 1 out)
R. Garza
(2, 9th Inning off K. Howard, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
D. Munn
E. Wylam
R. Garza
A. Belen
D. Katz
O. Frausto
J. Busch
S. James
G. Gradert
M. Gaitan
2-out RBI:
R. Garza
O. Frausto
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. O'Connor
S. James
Sac Bunt:
K. Ellenburg
Hit by Pitch:
M. Craig
Team LOB:
E. Wylam
O. Frausto
G. Gradert
Double Plays:
1 (Chirino-Gradert-James)
a - D. French pinch hit for C. Hellie in the 4th
b - J. Guzman substituted for J. Mitchell in the 5th
c - J. Velazquez substituted for H. Montoya in the 5th
d - C. Berin substituted for J. Gregg in the 5th
e - A. Catalan substituted for M. Rivera in the 5th
f - S. Williams substituted for D. French in the 5th
g - J. Lange substituted for A. Watson in the 6th
h - J. Hosek pinch hit for E. Alston in the 6th
i - L. Juarez inserted as DH in the 6th
j - J. Pineda pinch hit for J. Frisbee in the 7th
Home Runs:
L. Juarez
(2, 9th Inning off J. Noguera, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
H. Montoya
C. Greenberg
L. Juarez
A. Watson
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Berin
E. Alston
J. Frisbee
J. Guzman
Team LOB:
H. Montoya
J. Velazquez
M. Rivera
C. Greenberg