a - C. Correa pinch hit for J. Salas in the 5th
b - L. Keaschall pinch hit for B. Chourio in the 5th
c - Y. Mercedes pinch hit for E. Rodriguez in the 5th
d - H. Godbout substituted for W. Maldonado in the 5th
e - W. Jenkins substituted for R. Gonzalez in the 5th
f - C. Manganello substituted for W. Smith in the 5th
g - R. Lewis inserted as DH in the 6th
h - B. Winokur pinch hit for D. De Andrade in the 6th
i - V. Grissom pinch hit for B. Lee in the 6th
j - J. Mears pinch hit for L. Keaschall in the 8th
k - H. Cox pinch hit for Y. Mercedes in the 9th
l - T. Daniels pinch hit for H. Godbout in the 9th
m - J. O'Connor pinch hit for W. Jenkins in the 9th
n - R. Cruz substituted for T. Daniels in the 9th
R. Gonzalez
(2, 4th Inning off S. Marte, 1 on, 0 outs)
C. Correa
(1, 6th Inning off C. Austin, 2 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
C. Correa
L. Keaschall
R. Gonzalez
W. Jenkins
R. Lewis
C. Manganello
D. De Andrade
B. Winokur
V. Grissom
2-out RBI:
C. Correa
L. Keaschall
C. Manganello
D. De Andrade
V. Grissom
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
Y. Mercedes
C. Manganello
B. Lee
Hit by Pitch:
W. Maldonado
Team LOB:
L. Keaschall
R. Gonzalez
R. Lewis
D. De Andrade
a - R. Arias substituted for G. Torres in the 5th
b - A. Wells substituted for A. Judge in the 5th
c - D. Brown substituted for K. Stowers in the 5th
d - C. Roederer substituted for E. Urena in the 5th
e - V. Robles substituted for G. Lara in the 5th
f - L. Raley pinch hit for B. Harper in the 5th
g - J. Jackson substituted for J. Crawford in the 6th
h - T. Sweeney pinch hit for A. Volpe in the 6th
i - I. Paredes pinch hit for C. Roederer in the 6th
j - R. Hoskins inserted as DH in the 6th
k - R. Riggio pinch hit for I. Paredes in the 8th
l - K. Fossum pinch hit for L. Raley in the 9th
m - R. Paz pinch hit for R. Arias in the 9th
L. Raley
(2, 7th Inning off J. Webb, 0 on, 0 outs)
A. Wells
(1, 7th Inning off J. Webb, 1 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
A. Wells
(1, 6th Inning off J. Rodriguez, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
L. Raley
G. Torres
A. Wells
E. Urena
G. Lara
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
B. Harper
J. Jackson
R. Hoskins
Hit by Pitch:
D. Brown
Team LOB:
K. Stowers
OF assists:
1 (Brown(Jenkins at 3rd base))